“Masked Play “24/01 / 2022-11 / 02/2022 change the subject to VAUDEVILLE


Due to the Covid-19, the mask cannot be shared with others, and the masks we use are very delicate and made of special paper or leather, and disinfection will damage the masks. We are very sorry but we decided to change the subject for everybody’s safety measure.


“Vaudeville” is a play by Feydeau. To laugh! No problems! It is a light comedy !

Everything there is rich, luxurious, and sumptuous. That the actor, on stage, may not be concerned with the problems of society. That he makes us laugh! That he invents many and peculiar loves. That he forgets his keys in his pants at the house of his ex-mistress! And that it rebounds and rebounds all the way to the conjugal bedroom. Vaudeville is beautiful: therein are astounding intrigues that take us directly to the conjugal bedroom. Vaudeville?

Actors need to learn how to be light !

Categories: BlogNews & Articles

Michiko Gaulier

Administrator/ Co. Directer